Two Parks, One Day, New State

I was in Florida for the day for work. Had an appointment first thing in the morning, then I had the whole day to kill before my flight back to New Hampshire. I brought my Yaesu 891 Radio and my Buddistick Pro with me and headed to my first park, Paynes Creek State Park (K-3646), located in Bowling Green, Florida.

I made 40 contacts. I was the only one in the park and able to set up quickly and get the park activated. I started out on 10 meters and made six contacts, and then switched to 20 meters, and made 36 contacts. I was at the park for 1.5 hours. packed up and headed to the next park, closer to the airport.

Next park, Lake Manatee State Park (K-1894), located in Bradenton Florida. As soon as I got to the park, I saw an alligator floating in the lake. There were also signs warning of alligators on the trails and in the water. Being a northerner, I am not sure how I feel about alligators roaming around where I might be walking or swimming. Needless to say, I kept alert making sure my alligator friend kept his distance.

I made 63 contacts all on 20 meters. I was at this park for an hour and had big pile ups. would have stayed longer but I had to catch my flight back home to New Hampshire.

Over all, I had a good day doing Parks on the Air. Weather was great, in the lower to mid 80’sw with a slight breeze. A little humidity but I guess that is expected in Florida. I will be heading back to Florida in Main, meeting up with some family for a small vacation. I will be bringing my gear and activating a few more parks in Florida.

Alligators in Florida? Of course there is!


I am not sure if this is a sign you want to see as you enter a park to do an activation?


New England QSO Party 2022


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