My First 2 For; K-3147 and K-5545

I was able to cross into Vermont and activate 2 parks at one location. Thetford Hill State Park and Thetford Hill State Forrest, located in Thetford Hill Vermont located on the boarder with New Hampshire along side the Connecticut River.

I had not activated a park in a while, so it was good to get out the gear and get an activation in. I did this Activation on 10m. I was there for about and hour and was able to make 23 contacts. My farthest east contact was Poland, and my farthest west was California. Nothing really north or south.

I was traveling for work and these parks were in between my two locations I was going to visit. I had some time between my meetings, so I took a lunch break and activated the parks.

The forecast was for rain, but when I arrived at the park, it was not raining but was a bit breezy. The weather held out, and as soon as I was all packed up, the rain came!


3 States, 7 Parks, 1 Day


First Vermont Park